Monday, October 19, 2015

Trump and Carson request Secret Service protection

GOP Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson both have requested Secret Service protection, according to ABC News on Monday. The Office of Homeland Security Reports that the requests from the two candidates are part of the "statutorily required process." ABC News reported that this is the time of year that most high-profile Presidential candidates request Secret Service protection.

The request for protection only will suffice as the very initial stage in the process for both candidates. Each candidate's request still must be approved by the Secretary of Homeland Security in concert with a congressional advisory committee. The members of the advisory committee include the Speaker of the House, the House Minority Leader, the Senate Majority Leader, the Senate Minority Leader and one additional member that is selected by the committee. Only after all of these approvals been granted will the candidates be provided Secret Service protection.

Ben Carson denied that his campaign requested Secret Service protection and claimed that both the Secret Service and FBI came to him. Carson did state, however, that the need for protection was legitimate because of "lots of threats."

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