Thursday, January 7, 2016

Chris Christie: 'America's not ready for man as First Lady'

Somersaulted News

Speaking to a women's group in Concord, New Hampshire, presidential candidate, Governor Chris Christie, (N.J.), drew defiant jeers when he told the 300 women that "America's not ready for a man as First Lady." Christie was attempting to utilize what he called "America's lack of readiness for a switch in gender roles" as a rationale for voting against Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to NNN (No Nonsense News) on Saturday. NNN reporter Jennifer Tyler covered the event.

As Christie straightened his tie that got disheveled when he he reared back as the women shouted at him, he raised his voice to be heard over the huddled mass of angry voters and said, "Although it may be politically correct to elect a woman president, it is too soon in our country's young history for us to sustain such a rapid role reversal."

Alma Yourston, President of Progressive Women United, called out to Christie: "It is too soon in our country's history to elect a moron like you President!" The tumultuous crowd went wild with cheers, pounding their feet and yelling, "Hillary for President," and "Down with Christie! Governor Chris go home!"

Christie continued, this time taking his glass of water and splashing it on his face, "When Sarah Palin was Governor of Alaska, she ran for vice-president." The crowd broke in: "Palin's a dummy! Palin's a quitter. Palin's a loser!" The foot pounding and yelling continued, "Christie go home! Down with Dummy! Christie go home!"

Christie interjected as he took off the microphone, jumped on top of a huge, black speaker, and shouted to the crowd: "As I was saying, Palin's husband was called 'First Dude.' If Hillary's elected, Bill Clinton will be called 'First Dude.' Do you want a man First Lady who you have to call 'First Dude?'

Yourston jumped onto the same speaker on which Christie was speaking, and called out to crowd: "OK, girls let him have it." The women began chanting: "First Dude yes. Chris Christie no! One, two, three, here we go! First Dude yes. Chris Christie no!"

While being interviewed by Tyler after the event, Christie was philosophical about the reception he got from the women. "I don't think that I won over very many votes there today. However, I am confident that the next time I speak to the group, that I will resonate with the women." Christie wiped the sweat from his brow, then continued:

"After all, I am the most progressive of all the GOP contenders at this time."

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