Saturday, November 23, 2019

The downfall of impeachment: Trump's base will mobilize; Dems face an uphill battle; Impeach anyway

Some respondents to my articles have suggested that after Donald Trump either resigns or is removed from office by the Senate, that Nancy Pelosi should go after Pence and force him out of office. Perhaps so but that will not happen. I can 100% assure you that if Trump leaves office early for whatever reason, that Nancy will not pursue this matter any further. She will let it go after Trump leaves office. I know how she operates. After she scores a major victory, she does not gloat and she moves on


Senate won't remove


Move on. That is exactly what Nancy Pelosi will do if we manage to get Trump out before his term is over. However. we all know that the Senate will not vote to remove Trump. The votes simply are not there. He will be impeached and that is as far as it will go

Trump will be the 2020 GOP Nominee 


Unfortunately, Trump will be the GOP nominee again and the impeachment will infuriate his base to no end. And he will be able to raise a lot more money than he would have been able to raise had he not been impeached. 

Democrats are in deep trouble 


The failed impeachment is going to make the 2020 Presidential race a lot harder for the Democrats than it would have been otherwise. We had D... well nominate someone who can win and who will win because this is going to be the toughest Presidential race in history for the Democrats. I am sorry to say it but it is the sober truth. We are up against a very steep incline and we are climbing it with only 2 cylinders and no All Wheel Drive. We are in trouble for 2020, deep, deep trouble

Impeachment must be done nevertheless


Despite the fact the impeachment effort will fail and that Trump will be one formidable GOP nominee in 2020, the Democratic House of Representatives still must impeach Trump. The evidence that Trump abused power, solicited a bribe, committed obstruction of justice and lied to Congress is overwhelming and totally convincing and irrefutable. Therefore, it is the incumbent responsibility of the House to pursue this matter and to vote to impeach Donald Trump for "High crimes and misdemeanors."  

Evidence at hand

The decision of the House to impeach or not impeach needs to be based on the evidence at hand, not the predetermined outcome of the impeachment, which will be acquittal by the Senate and a very tough Presidential race for the Democrats in 2020, no matter who the Democratic nominee turns out to be. 

Sometimes you have to stand for what is right no matter the projected outcome of your actions. This is one of those times. Impeach Trump anyway!

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