Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump should concede race now and support Hillary Clinton

As this observer sees it, Donald Trump's only saving grace after his horrendous defeat in the debate the other night is to withdraw from the presidential race and concede the election to Hillary Clinton. After totally humiliating himself by discussing former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and Rosie O'Donnell, stumbling over his botched record on the "birther issue," making false claims on how ISIS got started, and trying to portray himself as an international leader despite his complete and undeniable lack of knowledge of foreign affairs, Trump's only way of saving grace is to concede the race to Clinton and support her between now and the November 8, 2016 presidential election.

Hillary's looks and stamina

In a ridiculous effort to save face, Trump attempted to switch his earlier statement to the effect that Clinton does not have the "look" of a presidential candidate. When confronted with the direct quotation of his earlier remarks on the subject, Trump stated that what he actually meant was that Clinton lacks the "stamina" to be President. Clinton patiently waited and then slammed it to Trump, stating that if Trump had travelled throughout the world and gone to 117 countries and worked out agreements with leaders throughout the world and performed all the other duties of a Secretary of State, that he could "talk about stamina."

Clinton's message to Trump was abundantly clear: Trump can talk about stamina after he does all of those things, but he cannot talk about it until he does do all of those things! And the implications of Clinton's message were clear: Trump does not have anywhere near the stamina that she has and never could keep up with her on a day to day basis. And so, as this observer already has duly noted, Trump should concede the race to Clinton now and support her and encourage his supporters to follow suit.

Trump's "not so smart" remark about his taxes

When Clinton pointed out that Trump had failed to release his tax records and that he most likely had not paid any taxes, Trump stated that he was "smart." This was not the intelligent thing for him to say as most, if not all, observers have noted. Although it may be "smart" for a person to avoid paying any taxes by using a team of lawyers and manipulating the system, this does not resonate with the American People, especially the very same middle class voters that Trump needs to win the election. As President Obama pointed out, it does not look good to average Americans when the janitor of the building pays more taxes than does a multi-billionaire like Donald Trump.

The GOP's only hope

As this observer sees it, the only thing that Trump could do to save the GOP and protect whatever semblance of a future that the Republican Party has left, is to concede the election to Hillary and announce that he is supporting her in the election. Although Trump himself said of Mitt Romney, "I don't like losers," he actually will not be a loser if he concedes the race to Clinton before the November election. If he were to do this, he would save face, the GOP would sustain a better chance in the Congressional elections, and the GOP would still exist, although on life support. This, in effect, is the GOP's only hope of surviving as a political party at all. Of course, if Trump decides not to concede the election to Clinton, he could allow the GOP to self-destruct and bring back the "Know Nothing Party." In actuality, there most likely is nobody more qualified to be the leader of a "Know Nothing Party" than "the Donald."

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