Sunday, October 25, 2020

What Trump will do the day he loses

 If Donald Trump loses the election on November 3rd, his reaction will be akin to that of a birthday boy who is grounded from attending his own birthday party. To put it mildly, he will not take it well. He will rant, rave, protest and demand a recount. And he will continue his endless Twitter diatribe about the unfairness of the election process, the so-called "fraudulent ballots," the phony mail-in ballots, etc., etc., etc.. He will mudsling towards Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and others. And he will save plenty of blame for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar. And if he loses Florida too, he will try to "fire" Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for failing to deliver Florida for him.

And of course he will have plenty of blame left for Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCarthy for failing to bring in the undecided voters for him. He will be in a rant and rave like that of a rabid dog biting its own tail. He will be like a desperate criminal pinned against a wall, not able to ascertain who his friends and enemies are and hating the world. He will lunge out at everyone with an anger, hatred and wrath not seen in a leader since the dictatorial reign of Adolf Hitler at his worst.

He will deny the results

I predict that after Trump goes into his tirade on Twitter blaming all of the aforementioned people for his 2020 election defeat, that he go to the East Lawn of the White House and hold a "no question" press conference. At the press conference, he will announce that he does not accept the results of the election. He will announce that it is a fraudulent election, that the ballots were tampered with and that the "only way" that he could have lost is if there was fraud and he will insist that there was fraud.

He will demand a recount

I predict that Trump's next move will be to demand a "recount" in every county or parish in which he is listed as the loser, across the country. I predict that he will have Attorney General William Barr contact the Secretaries of State of all states that Trump lost and demand a full recount of all the ballots.

He will reject postmarked ballots

I predict that Trump's next move will be to have Barr attempt to issue a binding order to all Secretaries of State in all 50 states to the effect that any and all ballots postmarked November 3rd, but not received until after November 3rd, cannot be counted. This would disqualify most ballots from active military personnel and other Americans overseas, since most of their ballots are not received by Election Day. 

He will deny ballots from unconfirmed voters

In what perhaps will be his boldest move after losing, Trump will attempt, once again through Barr, to invalidate any and all ballots nationwide from voters whose identities were not confirmed through photo identification. This would ban all mail-in ballots nationwide and would ban all ballots from California voters, the nation's most populous state, thus depriving Biden of California's 55 Electoral College votes. (California does not require photo identification for voters and has not done so for years).

He will refuse to concede

I predict that Trump's next move will be to refuse to concede his loss to Joe Biden. Although it is not absolutely mandatory that the incumbent President concede if he loses, it always has been the practice to do so. No defeated incumbent President ever has refused to concede. Although he does not absolutely have to concede, he does have to turn over the powers of the Presidency, as well as the launch codes and the nuclear football, on January 20, 2021. If he refuses to do so on Inauguration Day, then most likely the Marines and the Secret Service would intervene and force the issue. This will be extremely embarrassing indeed for all concerned parties, including the American People.

He will lose his court battles

More than likely, Trump will lose his court battles. Joe Biden will be certified as the winner and will be declared the President-Elect of the United States. It's what most likely will happen next that is of particular interest to students of politics.

He will try to pardon himself

I predict that Trump's next move will be to try to pardon himself for obstruction of justice, abuse of power and tax evasion. I predict that the backlash from this will be swift, deliberate and definitive. Somebody will take it to court and the pardon will be declared "null and void" almost immediately.

He will resign from the Presidency

It is my prediction that just as soon as his self-pardon is declared unconstitutional, that Trump will resign the Presidency with approximately two and a half months left in his term. Trump will make up some phony excuse for resigning, but the real reason will be that he hopes that Pence, who is finishing out Trump's term, will pardon him.

He will move to an undisclosed foreign location

I predict that President Pence, who still has dreams of being elected President in his own right in four to eight years, will not pardon Trump. I predict that Trump, Melania and Barron will move to an undisclosed foreign country, leaving Trump's adult children behind to deal with the Paparrazzi. 


Well that's how I see it. Of course I do not have a crystal ball; but I think that this is pretty close to how things will play out if Trump loses on November 3rd. Whatever happens, we all know that Trump is not going to take losing easily and that he is going to blame everybody else, including his greatest political allies. In his mind, nothing is his fault and it never has been. And he has never made a mistake. And he handled the pandemic with total artistry. 

I think that the Donald may be in for one rude awakening on November 3rd. It's time for him to vacate  government housing and move to a foreign country; that is if they will have him. 

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